Saturday, December 5, 2009


I went to
Cinco Masao along with my officemates last week and it's my first time to go there. We took off from Davao City at around 3:30 PM and we arrived there at around 7:00 PM.. The place was not dark because there is a brownout(too bad!). Most of the guests went out and transferred to a neighboring resort because our resort's generator was broken. We decided to stay because we think that we don't need the electricity to have some fun..and we did! We took a cottage(non aircon). It was a not so beautiful cottage but a decent one.. it has only one room, has a sink and a faucet just outside the room and a table with chairs outside.

The following morning, I was happy to see a beautiful scenery outside our cottage. The water in the sea was so clear I could see the plants under it! We ate our breakfast and after that we waited for our boat to arrive. While waitng for our boat,we bought fresh seafoods(fish & squid) being sold. They are so cheap! We rented a boat(PHP 1,000.00) to take us to Waniban -- a white sand island 15 minutes away from Cinco Masao. We rented a small open cottage there(Php 200.00) We had a short hike around the island. You can hike around it for 15 mins. I suggest that you have hiking shoes or slippers because the beachline is rocky. We had our lunch there and after that we invaded the crystal clear beach!

We went to Cinco Masao at around 2:00 PM, showered and went back to Davao City. We took pictures along the way (Dinosaur Island, Davao Oriental)

For those who want to see Cinco Masao, here's their contact number 0928 282 4304

The white island 15 mins away from Cinco Masao by boat....

Rocky Beach...

Dinosaur Island